Necesita ayuda?

Juan Osvaldo Mamani Alanoca

City and Country of Origin: La Paz – Bolivia

Languages ​​Spoken: Spanish, Aymara and a little English


– Bachelor in Applied Linguistics for Language Teaching awarded by the Universidad Mayor de San Simón.

– Postgraduate course  in Tools for Personal and Social Transformation awarded by the Universidad Salesiana.

Favorite Places in Cochabamba: I like the historic towns of Cochabamba such as; Punata, Cliza, Arani, Tarata, Toco, el Chapare and other places.

In the city of Cochabamba I like the parks, restaurants and historic places.

General Interests:

– Traveling to places with history

– Meeting people from other cultures

– Sharing my culture with other people

– Enjoying nature

– Riding a bike

– Hiking

– Enjoying all kinds of food

Personal Statement: Brothers and sisters of the world, come and share your culture and learn about another culture through a new language and practice “el buen vivir” (good living).
